
crazy words

“crazy words” by M

Over the course of the school year, 4th and 5th graders composed writing and cross-genre work in the computer lab. Each week we looked at an alternative approach to computer- and Internet-assisted writing. Our first collection here documents the 4th grade’s exploration into the art of copy + paste. Students were invited to compose Flarf poetry, a form of poetry generated by collaging text found on the Internet. As you will see here, what they did under this rubric went beyond collage. Many of the students used the keyboard as a kind of musical instrument, tapping away, copying and pasting in their own unique rhythms.


One of our multi-week projects involved making our own advertisement remixes, or “badvertisements.” After looking at how other artists and writers remix of brands, slogans, and advertising imagery, the students created advertisements of their own.

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And like any good texters, The Glen Park Texting Team wrote texts. In three installments, our text message publication was broadcast to subscribers across the country. With prompts ranging from “tell a story” to “send a fake advertisement”, the students wrote entertaining and surprising messages.

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